Winner of Modern Plastics Award 2024

Axiom Ayurveda Pvt.Ltd

Best MSME Innovative Beverage Company

Aqua Star

Innovative Finished Product

All Around Polymers LLP

Best MSME Women Entrepreneur

Boston Polymers

Innovation in Plastics in Agriculture

Bisleri International

Largest Water Brand in India

Big Bags International Pvt. Ltd.

Best Flexible Packaging Manufacturer

Balaji Polymers

Best Regional PET Producer for Edible Oil

Bajaj Polyblends Pvt. Ltd.

Best MSME Masterbatches Manufacturer

Bai kakaji Group

Most Innovative Closure Company

CML Biotech Limited

Innovative The of Plastics in Health Care

Cosmo Films Limited

Fastest Growing Enterprise of The Year

ECON Machinery Pvt. Ltd

Biggest Pelletizing Systems Brand in India

Daily Fresh

Best Regional PET Producer for Beverage

Davat Beverages Pvt. Ltd.

Fastest Growing Regional Brand Owner

Dr. Girish Joshi

Best Professor Award (Rural)

Dr. Manoj Gawande

Best Professor Award (Rural)

Dr. Sabu Thomas

Life Time Achievement Award

Dr. Pawan K Jain

Best Scientist of the Year 2024 (Advanced Materials)

Efficient Engineering

Best Cosmetic Product innovations

Eklingjee polymers Pvt. Ltd.

Best Additives Manufactures for Pipe

GS Caltex India Pvt. Ltd.

Best Lubricant Supplier

Hinds Plastics Machines Pvt.Ltd

Best SME Injection Moulding Machine of the Year

Hinds Plastic Machines Pvt. Ltd.

Best Processing Book of The Year

JB Group

First in India - Chemical Recycling of PET

JB Plastochem Pvt. Ltd.

Best MSME Trader Rural

Kapsto Closures Pvt. Ltd.

Youngest Entrepreneur Packaging MSME

Kriya Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Fastest Growing Female Entrepreneur SME Medical & HealthCare

Labotek Plastics Auxiliaries (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Fast Growing Plastics Processing Ancillary Equipment

Manjushree Technopack Ltd

Best Growing Packaging Company

Milliken Chemical & Textile (India) Co. Pvt. Ltd.

Innovative Additives Manufacturer

MM Polymers Pvt. Ltd.

Best Regional PET Producer in Nepal

Mr. J. P. Panchal

Life Time Achievement Award
(Panchal Machinery)

Mr. Marimuthu Poolthevar

Life Time Achievement Award
(Arun Plasto)

Mr. N Chandrakant

Life Time Achievement Award

Mr. Ram Awatar Saraogi

Life Time Achievement Award
(Rambhai) - Chemco Group

Mrs. Shakuntala Jain

Life Time Women Achievement Award - Rural

Nature Tec India Pvt. Ltd.

Best Bio-Polymer Material

North East Granulators

Leadership Excellence in Recycling North East

Nova Polychem Pvt. Ltd.

Best Polymer Women Entrepreneur Rural

Nu-Vu Conair Pvt. Ltd.

Innovative Plastics Processing Ancillary Equipment

Plasto Manufacturing Company

Best Bio Plastics Company

Prevision World (India) Pvt. Ltd

Best Japanese Injection Moulding All Electric Machine Award

Saarthi Propack

Best Houseware Manufactures North East

SBM Industries

Best Recycling Machines South India

Shree Naina Packaging

Best Diversify PET Producer

Simplex Plast

Best Roto Molding Brand

Sivananda Moulds and Dies

Best Automotive Precision Mold Maker

SSF Plastics India Pvt. Ltd

Largest Plastic Packaging solutions Innovators

Sudarsshan Pollyblends Pvt. Ltd.

Fastest Growing MSME Enterprises

Tirupati Sprinklers Pvt. Ltd.

Largest Drip Irrigations Product Manufacturer

Uniloy Plastic Machinery Pvt. Ltd.

Largest Size Blow Moulding Technology

Varun Beverages

Best Growing Beverages Company

Vasantha Tool Crafts Pvt. Ltd

Best High Cavitation Mold Exporter

Zeit Electo-Mech Pvt. Ltd.

Best Cost-Effective Product of the Year

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